
Thinking, humor, business, management, spirituality, philosophy, acting, reading, movies, magic, theaters, physics, technology entice me.

I believe in decent living and high thinking. I cannot live without humor. My aim in life is to remain humane.

I am Vinay Sarda. I have given a catchy name to my blog so that I can sound interesting and can lure you to read further. If you are reading this then it has surely served the purpose.

I have been trying to write too. My impulsive humorous posts always receive more ‘likes’ than the well-thought non-humorous ones. I don’t know whether to feel good about my humor or feel bad for my well-thought serious lines.

To understand more about my thoughts, please risk your time and read my posts.

If I ‘still’ sound interesting, you can join me on twitter.

I am sure you believe in sharing-caring. I will care for you if you share my blog with others. And I am serious about this. I can even pray for you if you write some good comments on my posts. I am serious about this too. If you like my introduction please click the ‘like’ button otherwise log on to flipkart and order some self-help books to work upon your humor.

Note: All the posts unless mentioned are the thoughts that have occurred to me. Copying is not VINSOMES style yet, as similar ideas can occur to two or more persons separated in time and space; on some occasions you might feel/ know that you have already read/heard a particular quote earlier. Such instances should be taken as co-incidence. I will be glad if you inform me of such instances.

Feel free to use VINSOMES quotes but remember good people always mention their sources when they copy paste it.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. विनय जी, आप वर्डप्रेस पर कब आए? पता ही नहीं चला!

    श्रेणियों के माध्यम से सब एक जगह संग्रहित हो जाने से अधिक सुविधा हो गई है। विचार निस्संदेह अनमोल हैं , इसलिए उनका ब्लॉग पर आना बहुप्रतीक्षित ही था। शुभकामनाएं !

    अपेक्षा यह है कि हम हिन्दी वालों के लिये भी कुछ हिन्दी में लिखें आप, हमें भी हंसने, सीखने और विचारने का अधिकार है 🙂

    -हितेन्द्र अनंत

  2. हितेंद्र भाई,

    प्रोत्साहन के लिए धन्यवाद। हिंदी ज्यादा अच्छी नही है मेरी। वैसे तो अंग्रेजी भी नही है,पर कोशिश करुंगा के कुछ हिन्दी में भी प्र्स्तुत कर सकू।


  3. Vinu, your humourous and non humourous thoughts both are pinching ………….but its easier for every one to like the humour, than to gather the efforts to like the philosophical one………….

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